Sunday, 23 May 2010

The Happy Couple

What an amazing day we all had yesterday, absolutely perfect.

I took loads of photos so will share soon, need to crop and sort them all and its to lovely outside to be doing that today - sorry.  After reading all the lovely comments though thought I should at least share a photo of the happy couple, and they are so happy its wonderful.

They are off to New York in the morning for a few days and then onto Jamacia for 2.5 weeks, lucky them.  We all hope they have an amazing time and totally chill out.

Brendon and Carla - 22nd May 2010


Helen said...

Ah, how happy they look. Hope they have a fantastic honeymoon and avoid the ash cloud! Can't wait to see some more, Julie, when you're in out of the sun!!

mckinkle said...

Fab photo Julie, lovely to see such a happy couple on their special day!


Kath Stewart said...

such a beautiful couple and hey never mind how many days until Creative Escape....hugs kath xxxx

G Peplow said...

They look really happy, Good Luck to them xx

sparklygirl-Tina said...

What a lovely photo of the happy couple - what fantastic weather they had too - not bad for a UK wedding! Looking forward to seeing more pics soon.
