Well week 12 is done and I did say I would offer some blog candy. So here it is ....
There are lots of papers, stamp sets, flowers, punches, card candy, messages, adhesives, butterflies, tags and more.
Leave me a comment and I will randomly select a winner and announce it next week - week 13, 27th March, 2010.
As a Thank You to the people who are followers of my blog - all your names will be entered twice into the draw for this blog candy.
So if you too would like 2 chances to win then simply become a follower. Its really easy, just click the FOLLOW button on the right side and follow the simple steps (I thought I would see how to do it and guess what Im now a follower of my own blog!!).
Good Luck to everyone!
Have been loving the cards with the new collections. You inspire me!
Hi Julie, I would dearly like to win your blog candy. It looks fabulous. Love your cards.
Have been loving the cards you've been sharing with us a real inspiration and have helped me through some tricky birthdays - thanks Julie xx
woww!! the blog candy looks wonderful.I have had great use and fun with the elephant template too,which I bought at Stevenage.Your site is very inspirational and cannot wait for the next days creations.thank-you. Becky-Bex
Hi Julie
Never entered for blog candy before but without your inspiration and classes would not be making cards now, so many thanks, Sue
Hi Julie
Love following your blog and I must say that the elephant is really lovely. Great chance to win the candy. Chris
love the elphants - and would love the blog candy! thanks for the inspiration Julie
Hi Julie, I have been so impressed. Your dedication is wonderful and cards just brill. The chance to win lovely candy is an extra treat, many thanks!
What fab candy you are offering Julie! Thanks for the chance of winning. I love your blog and style of cards and well done to you for making a post every day so far! xx
Hi Julie
WOW! Love that blog candy! As usual, there's always something exciting waiting for me in my inbox each morning ... don't know what I'd do without your inspirational ideas ...
Would love to win all that blog candy - fingers crossed!
Congratulations on completing your challenge this far! What a gorgeous load of candy you've put up for grabs!
Oh wow!! That's some serious blog candy - yes please!!
Well done for 12 weeks of postings, it's a great achievement and I've loved reading them.
Michelle x
Hi Julie, thats very nice of you :)
Fantastic candy. You have done so well. 12 whole weeks. well done x
I have to confess that I follow this blog every day in search of inspiration, but I'm always finding new products that I just HAVE to buy. It's costing me a small fortune! Currently looking for those MME papers as unfortunately I won't get the chance to see them at the show. Thanks for all those lovely card samples. Marion x
Oh nice blog candy. thanks for entering me
Would love a chance to win the goodies - love your blog as I am a huge fan of Craftwork Cards. Fiona x
Can't believe you've keep going all these weeks - well done Julie!! Hope to see you this weekend at Harrogate
Chris x
what a fab blog candy. I was at Harrogate today and watched a couple of your demo's. love your style and all of craftwork cards stuff
Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful candy.
saluti dall'italia
sorry i am old follower ;-)
Hi ... I've followed your instructions on how to become a 'follower' and yes ... it's as easy as you said it would be! Thanks for the help! Love seeing all your ideas and looking forwards to lots more.
(P.S. Your blog candy looks superb!)
Found your blog from the Crafty Storage blog! Can't wait to watch your creativity!
Hi Julie! Thanks for doing such a fantastic giveaway!! I always enjoy seeing your creations through my reader. Keep up the amazing work =)
Hi. Hoping for luck! You make such great cards=)
Wow fantastic blog candy!!! Please put my name in. Keep meaning to email you about the copic colours you use.... will go do it right now!!! Class back in February was fantastic by the way. Thanks. Clare
Love all you design ideas, Julie and thanks for the chance to win some fab candy
Julie, your work is such an inspiration and it is lovely to see many of the goodies you use together in one place. I love your blog for the simple reason it gives me instant access to your ideas. I look forward to your emails and immediately try to adapt things to the stash I have (although I inevitably buy more and more and more). Keep up the good pressure
Blog surfing this morning and just came across your site. Wonderful inspirational creations! Thank you.
Fab Candy Julie - nice to see you at Harrogate today.
How generous of you, thankyou. Well done on completing up to week 12. It has been fab to see so many of your gorgeous designs, Jo x
Lovely, ofcourse I want to win this blogcandy!
Wow, what great candy, I will leave a link to this on my blog. Debbie x
I've found your blog through looking at a friends.
Just thought I'd pop by and say how refreshing your work is! I love the elephant you did. He is sweet!
I've also just become a follower too!
Hi Julie..I have only recently found your blog ,after spending many £££ at the craftwork cards stand at the NEC shows..its great to see so many more wonderful ideas on your blog!!Id love to win some blog candy and would share it with my 6 yr old little girl Abi who is rapidly becoming a little craftin princess!!..
Seems to be something wrong with your comments as I left one for approval the day this post went up. Lets try again. Well done, Julie on 12 weeks daily blogging. See you soon (Ally Pally, ticket is ready!)
Hello Julie, thanks for offering such lovely candy and thnks for such an inspiring blog!
Love, Alex
I love following your blog Julie, you are full of so much inspiration! Thank you for the chance to win.
Wow julie, fabby candy - love all the new cards you have added - lots of goodies which you inspire me to buy! Have become a follower and will gove a shout out on my blog x fingers crossed x
Good afternoon,
Before beginning I want to excuse my very poor english but I'm french. It's difficult to understand all what you write but I like to try to understand and your cards are very beautiful. And even we can't read, we can just looking for .
I don't know what we must do to win your treasure but I try.
Thank you for offer to me dreams.
Christine h.
Hi Julie, I love your cards - I can't believe how busy you have been posting every day. I love the combination of the cards, papers and embellishments always work so well. I can spend ages looking to see what goes with something else - it can take me ages to get going. Thanks for all the inspiration - Jacky
You and your cards have been such an your blog and your work!
Thanks for the chance of winning the candy...
have a wonderful week!
Hugs, Emma
Well done Julie its such inspiration to turn on the computer each day and see something different. Looking forward to getting the templates I'm sure my little ones will love them too. Winning the blog candy would be a fab belated birthday gift to myself :-) Looking forward to NEC
Jules xx
Hi Julie, I am a follower and love your blog x Please enter me for your blog candy x
Hi! I like to take a peek at your cards every now and then. I also find it hard to make cards for 'older' boys and men so your cards inspire me.
Julie, I think your cards are absolutely gorgeous and you are an inspiration to us all. I would love to be put into your draw for your blog candy
Claire xx
Hi Julie, Well done you on managing to produce a wonderful card each day, they are all so fab and unique - I wish my bank balance liked products as much as I do.
Hi Julie, I am a relatively new blogger, although I have watched your cardmaking techniques for years now, you always inspire me, just need a bit more spare time now. The blog candy looks wicked !!!
What a lovely set of stash Julie.
We love looking at your blog to find ideas to pinch, or should that be interpret!
Sorry to have missed Harrogate this year. Are you at the NEC this weekend? Congratulations on managing to post everyday - wish I had your inspiration. Maybe with the blog candy I could?!!
Nice Candy!! Thnx for the chance to win it.
I put it in the sidebar of my blog and I became a follower.
Hi Julie
Beatiful cards as always love the new products. Have been busy making cards with all the ideas and card candy from the last workshop at Horley. I have missed getting to the shows this year ( work keeps getting in the way lol ) so its great to see the designs on your blog .
Nothing like a good card making session to help me unwind after work.
Hope to see you soon
hat amazing blog candy! Thank you so much for the chance to win!
JUlie lovely candy, i would love to be entred, great blog, i have become a follower
Glad to be back in action and able to view your blog once more. Your cards always inspire me and I couldn't survive without the Craftwork products!
You make some stunning cards! - it was even better to see some "in the flesh" at the GNPE last weekend!
Fabby cards as usual, Sam x
hi, i'd love to win your blog candy it looks fab. it was nice to see you at harrogate on saturday, i love your work it's fab . jan
Hi Julie
Fab cards, well done on getting to week 12. I have been sadly MIA, so have my fingers crossed I win your lovely candy to get me goign again.
Sara xx
lovely cards and great blog candy hope nec is good dont know how you fir it all insteme
lovely candy... thanks for the chance to win... lovely blog too!
Helen x
Hi Julie
what a fantastic achievement - I check the blog each day just to see what wonderous item you've created. I am currently waiting for my Lime Rickey card which I would never have ordered if I hadn't seen your creations first. Keep up the good work!
hi julie, this is the first time iv'e entered a candy, hope its beginers luck. ps you make lovely cards. love kay.
Dear Julie,
I just found your blog and I love your beautiful cards!
Please enter me in your drawing. I am also your newest follower! :-)
Please visit me at Create With Joy when you have a moment. I am currently sponsoring a giveaway through Sunday you might be interested in, and I'd love to welcome you into my family of Kindred Spirits as well!
Ramona :-)
P.S. Love your creative space in your photo!
hello julie i love your cards you are an inspariation to me i make cards as well so its lovely to look at your work which i admire hopefully one day i will be as good as you thanks for the tips and techniques
Wow that is some blog candy!!
thank you for the chance to win
fingers crossed
suzie Qx
Hi Julie Love your style and designs looking forward to seeing you at Ally Pally in April. Thanks for the chance to win the candy. x
Hi Julie, lovely to meet you at the NEC and that digi card is awesome!!! Hugs, Dawny xxx
hello julie i love the blog candy you have on offer. i have just started to leave comment on blogs i dont have a blog myself but i read yours every day so it deserves a nice comment you are very talented.
hello julie. I love the blog candy you have to offer i adore your blog and read it every dayand i have just learnt how to leave comments on peoples blog.
I am on trim craft website and my cards are displayed on the gallery its glitterbabe 1969 if you fancy a look although i have a way to go before my cards are anything like yours.
love helen
Just gorgeous - I love your card designs
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